Enterprise-grade security & privacy and the most powerful version of ChatGPT yet.

Security & privacy

Protect your company data

Customer prompts or data are not used for training models
Data encryption at rest (AES-256) and in transit (TLS 1.2+)
SOC 2 compliant

“Half of all Zapier employees are now leveraging AI in their work. ChatGPT Enterprise lets us work with sensitive data due to the enhanced security and privacy controls.”

Deploy with ease

Scalable deployment tools

Dedicated admin console and easy bulk member management
SSO and Domain Verification
Analytics dashboard to understand usage

“ChatGPT Enterprise allows us to continue to be a pioneer in AI while helping our people and clients benefit from productivity and new growth opportunities associated with AI in a responsible way.”

Move faster

Fast, uncapped GPT-4

Unlimited, high-speed access to GPT-4 and Advanced Data Analysis*
32k token context windows for 4X longer inputs and memory
Shareable chat templates for your company to collaborate
4x longer inputs & conversationswith 32k context windows
2x speed gains*with GPT-4 access

80% of Fortune 500 companies already have employees using ChatGPT for work.*

*Percentage of Fortune 500 companies with registered ChatGPT consumer accounts, as determined by analyzing accounts associated with corporate email domains.

Compare ChatGPT plans


$0 / month
Try on web
Regular model updates
Domestic conference budget for each employee


$20 / per person/month
Upgrade now
Everything in Free and:
Advanced Data Analysis
Early access to beta features


Contact sales
Everything in Plus and:
Unlimited high-speed GPT-4
Longer inputs with 32k token context
Unlimited Advanced Data Analysis
Internally shareable chat templates
Dedicated admin console
SSO, domain verification, and analytics
API credits to build your own solutions

Get started with ChatGPT Enterprise

Get Started